News & Events

I loved my role as a GP but I am really passionate about the benefits I can deliver in my private practice. Here, I will be sharing exciting information about forthcoming events, courses and wellbeing tips. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too.

Create the best YOU

Do you suffer from negative self-talk? Do you want to be a more confident version of yourself? Is the only person stopping you… you? Take the time to invest in yourself and allow me to show you how to create the best you. This one-day course will teach you techniques to get rid of your negative internal dialogue and create…
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Create your dreams

For many years vision boards have been one of the most popular parts of my courses so by popular demand I am running some stand-alone vision board workshops. Creating a vision board accesses that part of your brain that is outcome focused (the reticular activating system). It sets up an unconscious programme that pulls opportunities towards you. You know when…
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Juggling glass and rubber balls

How many balls are you juggling right now? Do you ever feel anxious that you are dropping some? What will happen if you do? The key to successful juggling is to recognise which of your balls are made of rubber or plastic and which are glass. This metaphor originates from Bryan Dyson, CEO of CocaCola. He described juggling 5 balls: work, family, health, friends and…
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More Fabulous Women

Back by popular demand.. For all the fabulous women out there who deserve to celebrate how fantastic they really are! Book a “spa day” for your mind. Join me for this one day event in Hampshire on Friday 17th May and Friday 22nd November 2019, which will help to get rid of your limiting beliefs, build your confidence get you…
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